Mediation and Arbitration Clinic of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU) founded based on the cooperation of RAU and ADR Partners, organizes round-table dicated to issues of alternative dispute resolution of undergraduate and postgraduates students and lecturers of law and other related departments of universities of the Republic of Armenia.
Round-table will be held by Mushegh Manukyan, General Director, mediator and arbitrator of ADR Partners. Deputy Minister of Justice Yeghishe Kirakosyan will present an opening speech. Aida Avanessian, Director of arbitration matters, mediator and arbitrator of ADR Partners will also participate in the round-table. Participants of RAU Mediation and Arbitration Clinic will have an active participation in the round-table.
Round-table will be held on April 19, at 12.00, at the Conference Hall of the RAU.
Participants can make presentations on the following topics.
«Negotiation and armenian culture»,
«Current negotiation process of the Republic of Armenia on way of joining the Custom Union»,
«Mediation and its legal development in Armenia»,
«Current applicability of mediation in family cases»,
«Arbitration: its past way and further development in Armenia»,
«Arbitration: issues of current legal regulations in Armenia »,
and other theams dedicated to alternative dispute resolution.
For registration and additional information, please wirte an e-mail to Coordinator of RAU at, to Satenik Harutyunyan or call 098 881720 to ADR Partners.
You can download round-table agenda here.
We cordially invite You to participate in round-table.