ООО ЭйДиАр Партнерс
Услуги по Медиации, Арбитражу
и Альтернативным Способам
Разрешения Споров
Baghramyan 44, #6,
Yerevan 0019,
Republic of Armenia
Tel: +374 98 88 1720
In these Terms of Use the terms «we» or «us» means ADR Partners LLC and the term «You» - the user of the website. By using this website, You agree to the Terms of use set forth below, which represent a legally binding agreement between You and ADR Partners. By accessing this website, browsing and/or using it You confirm that you have read and understood these Terms and agree to abide by them.
Use of the website
In accordance with these Terms You can use the website and the posted information only for informational and non-commercial purposes. You may not use this website for any illegal or unintended by this Terms purposes.
Proper use
You hereby agree that you will not in any way cause ADR Partners or the users of this site any troubles and inconvenience and intentionally will not allow others to do as described above. You also agree not to use the website or the services of ADR Partners LLC to transfer or post of illegal and defamatory, obscene, indecent or threatening material or material, which we believe may lead to trouble or inconvenience for ADR Partners or any other person.
ADR Partners LLC service names, trademark «ADR Partners», our corporate name mentioned on this site are trademarks of ADR Partners LLC and protected by the RA legislation and relevant international agreements.
Copyrights website content (information, pictures, messages, videos, articles, etc.) is provided by ADR Partners LLC. The copyright for the content of belongs to ADR Partners LLC. All rights reserved. website content could not be in any way reproduced, modified, transmitted, displayed, and sent electronically by photocopying, rewriting, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of ADR Partners. You agree that the materials on this website or provided by are provided only for your personal use and may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed commercially. Unauthorized use of this website content may violate copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights. ADR Partnesrs LLC reserves the right to make changes to the website.
Privacy and protection of information
With regards to the collection and use of personal information, please, see our Privacy Policy.
Links website may contain links to other websites. We make no guarantees regarding other sites that You can access from our website. Presence of the links to another website does not mean that we accept responsibility for the content, use or any other liability in connection with the other website.
Limitation of liability
1.You use the website at your own risk. This website is provided «as is» and «as available», without making any claims and contractual warranties, including, but not limited to contractual claims and warranties relating to the use, availability, full display, reliability or suitability of this site for any of the stated objectives. You are fully and exclusively responsible for all risks associated with the use of these services.
2. ADR Partners LLC takes all necessary and reasonable steps to keep website operational. ADR Partners LLC is not responsible for the consequences of possible deficiencies of We make no warranty that the site will meet your expectations, it will work in a timely manner, smoothly, reliably, and without fail, that any defects and errors will be corrected, or that any data, information, reports, or the results obtained in the use of this site will be exact and reliable for any purpose. You should not assume that website or its content has no errors or that it meets the specific goals you have in mind while using it.
3. ADR Partners LLC has no liability for any damages arising out of the use or loss of the use of this website or other sites accessible via links or any other action you can perform or skip relying on the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. You are fully and solely responsible for all of the above.
4. ADR Partners LLC is not liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or termination of your access to this website, or loss of related information.
Registration and security
In order to use certain services, you must register and provide ADR Partners complete and truthful information. Failure to provide complete and truthful information during the registration may result in termination of service. While subscribing to ADR Partners newsletter We reserve the right not to provide you with the desired services if, in our opinion, you are going to use the information received from us, for commercial or unlawful purposes.
ADR Partners LLC reserves the right periodically make changes to these Terms and any other documents that are applicable to this website or posted on it. The changes will be effective immediately upon being posted on this site. Your continued use of this site will be considered as Your unconditional consent to the changes in regulations.
Applicable law
All matters and disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or any service provided via this website shall be resolved in accordance with the substantive norms of legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
All disputes and matters arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or websites connected with this site via a hyperlink or otherwise, are regulated through negotiations. If during a reasonable time (not more than two months) an agreement will not be reached, all issues should be resolved through mediation in Yerevan.