ADR Partners LLC
Mediation, Arbitration
and Alternative Dispute
Resolution Services
Baghramyan 44, #6,
Yerevan 0019,
Republic of Armenia
Tel: +374 98 88 1720
Mediation training is of great interest to lawyers and business people who want to keep their business relationships and shift them to a new level. Mediation training provides an opportunity for participants to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution.
During the training the concept and principles of mediation will be discussed, various approaches in mediation, the structure and purpose of mediation, advantages and disadvantages in contrast to other methods of dispute resolution will also be explored, in particular, to the court and arbitration. We will also discuss the factors that influence the success of mediation, particularly of mediation procedure and analysis of its stages.
During the training, we will discuss the role of the mediator as one of the key elements of the mediation, the requirements that apply to the mediator and his authority. Participants of the training will have the opportunity to learn practical skills and techniques of mediation.
The experts of our company have been educated abroad and been trained in a number of prestigious courses on mediation, arbitration and negotiation in the United States, Italy and other countries and have extensive experience in teaching courses on alternative dispute resolution.
Training course on mediation consists of 10 hours in total.
Mediation module will begin in February 2013. Applications will be accepted by January 28, 2013.
For more information please contact ADR Partners by telephone +374 98881720 or via email