The first mediation firm in Armenia - ADR Partners, calls for participation in Mediation and Arbitration short-term Training for practicing lawyers and other professionals. Training will last 4 hours and will include two Modules (each Module 2 hours):
-Mediation Module: “Improvement of mediator’s skills and conduction of mediation”
-Arbitration Module: “Peculiarities of arbitration award writing’’
Participant can choose one or both Modules. Participants of the training will have the opportunity to learn practical skills and techniques of mediation and arbitration from the best experts in Armenia.
Trainings on arbitration will be conducted by an internationally recognized arbitrator Dr. Aida Avanessian, who has many years of arbitration practice abroad. Mediation training will be conducted by a recognized mediator Dr. Mushegh Manukyan, who has many years of mediation experience in Armenia and abroad.
Training will be held on December 7, 2013 at ADR Partners office, at 11.00 AM, at the following address: Sarmen1, 2/1, Yerevan 0009 (near Matenadaran). Registration fee per participant is 15.000 AMD for each Module and 25.000 AMD for both Modules. Places are limited to 25 participants. Upon registration until 10 November a reduced rate will be applicable for a single Module at 10.000 AMD.
For registration or more information about the program, please send your application to or call us at 098 881720.