Mushegh Manukyan's monograph entitled "International private law of the Republic of Armenia: scientific and practical commentaries to the 12th chapter of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia (international private law)" is published. In the monograph a comparative analysis of all provisions of the RA Civil Code 12th chapter is conducted trying to identify existing theoretical and practical pitfalls, to outline the need for the development of legislation and to clarify characteristics of the judicial practice in the field of private international law.
The monograph refers to various approaches of conflict of laws existing in different legal systems, as well as in the form of commentaries the author provides his scientific and practical assessment of the 12-th chapter of the RA Civil Code (private international law). All outstanding Armenian court cases in the field of private international law are examined.
The work is aimed at judges, arbitrators, attorneys, lawyers dealing with international private law, professors, as well as may serve as a practical guide for postgraduates and masters students for research on private international law.